About Me

Hey! Welcome to my blog, I am Kamal Selvam, Senior Data Scientist / Software Engineer at Orange, father of a toddler who steals USB keys from my laptop and a husband who keeps forgetting things. I always love to understand things in a mathematical way and this blog is a place where you can find about things that interest me and how to implement it.

Interested In

Applied Mathematics, Deep Learning, Python and Golang Developer, Statistical Analysis, Probability, Numerical Simulations

Work Experience

  • Lead Data Scientist / Software Engineer - Orange (OB), Toulouse, France.
  • Data Scientist / Software Engineer - Expleo Group, Toulouse, France.


  • Doctorate in Physics (Numerical simulation and System dynamics) @ Normandie Université , France. Paper was awarded with Focus of Fluid
  • Master in Aeronautical Engineering @ Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (SUPAERO) – Toulouse, France